Friday, October 19, 2012

DIY: Ghost Decoration

Everyday is a Crafting Day's (we couldn't agree more) blog has a wonderful ghost DIY decoration tutorial.  How fun is this thing??

Here's what you need...
1 Liter Pop Bottle,
Cheese Cloth,
Old Towel,
Scrap piece of felt,
Styrofoam ball (the white kind works better.)
Hair dyer (optional)
Wire (not pictured)
 First thing you are going to do is cover your working area with your towel. The starch is easily washed out of a towel but it gets messy if you don't cover up your area.
Then make you ghost form. I just shove the styrofoam ball on top of the bottle. (if you are using a green floral ball cover it with plastic wrap or something so you don't get green fuzzies on your cheese cloth.)
I also use some wire to make arms...
Next, lay the cheese cloth over your ghost form. Spray it down with starch. I like to use a spray bottle so I can control how my starch I use. The more starch the stiffer your ghost. 
Next you can use a hair dryer to help make the drying time faster. Since I live in AZ I just use the sun. :)  
Once it is completely dry, pull it off of your form and glue on some felt eyes.  

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